We have been back home now for exactly three weeks. We left Hong Kong on December 10th, flying with the budget airline Oasis Hong Kong (HK to Vancouver 384$ tax incl). We ended up with a 19 hour stop over in Vancouver Airport, which is a good airport to sleep in, although they charge for wi-fi, not the case in Hong Kong (see www.sleepinginairports.com). The stop over appears to have been a cure for jet lag, which neither Yann or I experienced. Amid Christmas and New Year's madness, we are slowly getting back into our lives here. Stay tuned for updates to our website, coming in the new year...
Yann... you're SUCH a computer geek... make that Geek, with a capital G.
Welcome back home my friends! I'm so envious that you guys journeyed for so long. I've been living vicariously through your blog trying to get an impression of how it feels like to have such worldly experiences.
Welcome home!!! :-) Congratulations on the completion of a major adventure of your lives (first of many, I'm sure!) After being away for 14 months, I wonder if some things in Canada now seem "foreign" to you. When are you coming to Montreal? We want to see you!!!!
Hey Welcome back to Canada. I've enjoyed reading your blog, I still have some catching up to do.
I showed it to my dad who is planning a trip to China this summer. He was very impressed!
An amazing trip with an superb blog. I miss it.
When the trip day counter kept clicking away after you arrived I thought..."oh I get it, they're still travelling and will be heading off to their next destination after their stop-over in Canada". No such luck. The counter is off. : (
Congratulations on your new jobs!
We need an update on this blog.
We need apartment pictures.
We need a new feature on your site called OUR FAVOURITE PHOTOS where you load up 50 (as a start) of your absolute favourite shots from your journey and describe why you like the photo or think it's one of your best (composition, perfectly captured the moment, amazing lighting, we ate dog meat, etc)
OK...ready? Go!
Maintenant vous devez publier cette expérience afin de faire profiter d'autres chanceux comme vous qui voudraient faire une expérience semblable.
When are we going to get another installment?
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